
Foul counter for soccer

support 8 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

We count the number of fouls in soccer instead of reds/yellows. When they hit a certain level of fouls a goal is removed (or some other penalty). So it would be handy to have the ability to count fouls on the screen, not take any action, but count the number of fouls for each team and display on the scoreboard.

By adding this feature to the scoreboard, umpires and centre management would be better able to keep track of infringements on the rules and teams that are causing issues both during a game and throughout a season. Recording fouls gives centres the ability to put in place penalties for teams that continually breach the rules in a sport where continuous fouls often leads to unruly behaviour. It assists the umpires in giving them a system that they can use to penalise teams that are committing multiple fouls in a match and will also provide a clearer way for centre management to see how a game is going ie. games where multiple fouls are being committed need to be closely monitored to ensure players are behaving in the appropriate manner. Recording penalty cards also makes it easier for umpires and centre management to keep on top of behaviour and record teams that are continually committing breaches of the rules.