
Toggle ability for organisers to update squad lists

support 6 years ago updated by Valued Customer 6 years ago 1

Problem we have:
We have a deadline of week two for each league for squads to be updated by for the season ahead. Unfortunately people are still abusing this and adding in players afterward without the consent of the league organiser. With the number of teams that we have to look after monitoring this is impossible and obviously if we add retrospective penalties when we do find a breach, we inevitably alienate teams.

Possible solution:
To have a button on the divisions/teams page which for all selected teams locks their squads which means that the option to edit squads on the front end is disabled.
The same button would unlock the squad when we get close to the end of the season.
The lock/unlock squad button would also appear on the team's players page.


In addition to this it would be good if you could have an option that said. Additional team player pending approval of league organiser and this also sent an automated email out to notify the organiser of a team wanting to add players subject to the approval of the organiser. This way teams could go through the process of registering and adding players (and capturing their data) but after a certain date it would only be allowed upon the approval of the organiser.